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The factory was founded on October 10 1863 at Christianshavn, and in 1869 the factory moved to Smallegade 45 in Frederiksberg.

In 1969, Aluminia ceased to exist as an independent company, while a very limited production of faience continued by Royal Copenhagen.

Aluminia faience

Aluminia, Bouquetiere nr 547/558, 9x10x5.5 cm, Factory first Aluminia, Bouquetiere nr 547/558, 9x10x5.5 cm, Factory first
-20 %

Slight traces of wear and small swath at the bottom otherwise fine condition.

Stamped with green stamp Copenhagen Denmark, period 1903 to 1933.

Aluminia faience.

Aluminia, Bouquetiere nr 547/558, 9x10x5.5 cm, Factory first

DKK 460.00 DKK 575.00
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