Figurines produced by Royal Copenhagen, RC
Royal Copenhagen figurines
Staff sorting and excellent condition.
Design: Chr. Thomsen in 1907.
Boy at lunch no 865, 19x11cm, Royal Copenhagen, RC
..Excellent condition.
Design: Knud Kyhn in 1930.
2 fighting Bears Stoneware no 20240, 12x10.5x9 cm, Factory First, Royal Copenhagen, RC
..Excellent condition.
Design: Knud Kyhn.
2 monkeys Stoneware no 21777, 30.5 cm, Factory First, Royal Copenhagen, RC
..Factory second excellent condition.
Design: Lotte Bentner in 1911.
Amager girl no 1251, 20 cm, Royal Copenhagen, RC
..2 sorting but fine condition.
Number 1317.
Design: Lotte Bentner in 1911.
Amager girl no. 1317, 23 cm, 2 sorting, Royal Copenhagen
..Excellent condition.
Design: Knud Kyhn.
Ape Stoneware no 20133, 18 cm, Factory First, Royal Copenhagen, RC
..Excellent condition.
Design: Knud Kyhn.
Bear cub eating no 3014, 9.5 cm, Factory first, Royal Copenhagen, RC
..Excellent condition.
Design: Knud Kyhn before 1910.
Bear No 1124, 6x7.5 cm, Factory first, Royal Copenhagen, RC
..Excellent condition.
Design: Knud Kyhn.
Bear Stoneware no 20155, 13.5x18.5 cm, Factory First, Royal Copenhagen, RC
..Excellent condition.
Design: Knud Kyhn.
Bear Stoneware no 20271, 10x16 cm, Factory First, Royal Copenhagen, RC
..Excellent condition.
Design: Knud Kyhn.
Bear Stoneware no 21433, 8 cm, Factory First, Royal Copenhagen, RC
..Excellent condition.
Design: Knud Kyhn.
Bear Stoneware no 21434, 5.5x9 cm, Factory First, Royal Copenhagen, RC
..Excellent condition.
Design: Knud Kyhn.
Bear Stoneware no 21435, 8.5 cm, Factory First, Royal Copenhagen, RC
..Excellent condition.
Design: Knud Kyhn.
Bear walking no 2841, 10x16 cm, Factory first, Royal Copenhagen, RC
..Excellent condition.
Design: Knud Kyhn.
Bear walking grey no 2841, 10x16 cm, Factory first, Royal Copenhagen, RC
..Excellent condition.
Design: J.M. Nissen.
Blacksmith figure no 4502, 22 cm, Factory second, Royal Copenhagen
..Excellent condition.
Design: Knud Kyhn.
Boy and bear Stoneware no 20245, 10.5x9 cm, Factory First, Royal Copenhagen, RC
..Excellent condition.
Design: Chr. Thomsen i 1908.
Boy cutting stick no 905, 18.5 cm, Factory first, Royal Copenhagen, RC
..Factory third but fine condition.
Design: Aage Erhardt.
Boy with broom no 3250, 12 cm, Royal Copenhagen, RC
..Excellent condition.
Design: J. M. Nissen.
Boy with gourd no 4539, 12x10.5 cm, Factory first, Royal Copenhagen, RC
..Excellent condition.
Design: Ada Bonfils.
Boy with horn no 3689, 11 cm, Factory first, Royal Copenhagen, RC
..Excellent condition.
Design: Ada Bonfils.
Boy with teddy bear no 3468, 18 cm, Factory first, Royal Copenhagen, RC
..Excellent condition.
Design: Ada Bonfils.
Boy with umbrella no 3556, 18 cm, Factory first, Royal Copenhagen, RC
..Excellent condition.
Design: Arno Malinowski.
Is also produced in overglaze.
Buddha / Child arms raised no 12458, 23 cm, Factory first, Royal Copenhagen, RC
..Excellent condition.
Design: Knud Kyhn in 1909.
Calf no 1072, 10x16.5 cm, Factory first, Royal Copenhagen, RC
..Excellent condition.
Design: Knud Kyhn in 1909.
Calf no 1072, 10x16.5 cm, Factory first, Royal Copenhagen, RC
..Excellent condition.
Rare figurine.
Design: John Galster.
Child on back no 4669, 8x15 cm, Factory first, Royal Copenhagen, RC
..Excellent condition.
Design: Ada Bonfils.
Child with accordion no 3667, 11 cm, Factory first, Royal Copenhagen, RC
..Excellent condition.
Design: Ada Bonfils in 1915.
Child, crawling no 1739, 7x16 cm, Factory first, Royal Copenhagen, RC
..Excellent condition.
Design: John Galster.
Children reading no 4670, 13.5x20.5 cm, Factory first, Royal Copenhagen, RC