The Blue Flower braid started to be produced in 1868.
Blue flower braided porcelain, Royal Copenhagen, RC
Excellent condition.
The Blue Flower braid started to be produced in 1868.
Blue Flower braided porcelain, Bowl no 8008, 4x17 cm, Factory first, Royal Copenhagen, RC
..Excellent condition.
The Blue Flower braid started to be produced in 1868.
Blue Flower braided porcelain, Bowl no 8009, 5x20 cm, Factory first, Royal Copenhagen, RC
..3 sorting but nice condition, no chips.
Compote bowl / Oyster bowl.
The Blue Flower braid started to be produced in 1868.
Blue Flower braided porcelain, Bowl no 8155, 3.8x19 cm, Factory first, Royal Copenhagen, RC
..Excellent condition.
On solid bottom.
The Blue Flower braid started to be produced in 1868.
Blue Flower braided porcelain, Butter box no 8076+8139, 9x17 cm, Factory first, Royal Copenhagen, RC
..Excellent condition.
The Blue Flower braid started to be produced in 1868.
Blue Flower braided porcelain, Coffee cup set no 8040, 5.5x7.5 cm, Factory first, Royal Copenhagen, RC
..Staff sorting and excellent condition.
The Blue Flower braid started to be produced in 1868.
Blue Flower braided porcelain, Coffee pot big no 8189, 25 cm, Royal Copenhagen, RC
..Excellent condition.
The Blue Flower braid started to be produced in 1868.
Blue Flower braided porcelain, Coffee pot small no 8034, 23 cm, Factory first, Royal Copenhagen, RC
..Fine condition with age-related small flaws in the glaze.
Produced 1923-1934.
The Blue Flower braid started to be produced in 1868.
Blue Flower braided porcelain, Dish no 8162, 31.5x28.5 cm, 1. sorting, Royal Copenhagen, RC
..3 sorting but nice condition, no chips.
The Blue Flower braid started to be produced in 1868.
Blue Flower braided porcelain, Dish no 8162, 31.5x28.5 cm, Royal Copenhagen, RC
..Excellent condition.
For butter / sushi or something else.
The Blue Flower braid started to be produced in 1868.
Blue Flower braided porcelain, Dish no 8180, 8 cm, Factory first, Royal Copenhagen, RC
..Fine condition.
The Blue Flower braid started to be produced in 1868.
Blue Flower braided porcelain, Foot for Center piece / Bowl on foot no 8064, 9.5x10.5 cm, Royal Copenhagen, RC
..2 sorting due to small stain otherwise fine condition.
Fits down in an opening of 4.9 cm.
The Blue Flower braid started to be produced in 1868.
Blue Flower Braided porcelain, Lid for Coffee Pot no. 8189, 8.3x7.5 cm, 2 sorting, Royal Copenhagen
..Factory second but fine condition.
The Blue Flower braid started to be produced in 1868.
Blue Flower braided porcelain, Lidded dish / Tureen no 8054, 16x25.5x17.5 cm, Royal Copenhagen, RC
..Fine condition.
The Blue Flower braid started to be produced in 1868.
Blue Flower braided porcelain, Lidded dish / Tureen no 8054, 16x25.5x17.5 cm, Factory first, Royal Copenhagen, RC
..Factory second but nice condition.
The Blue Flower braid started to be produced in 1868.
Blue Flower braided porcelain, Mustard cup no 8205+8211, 8 cm, Royal Copenhagen, RC-2
..Excellent condition.
The Blue Flower braid started to be produced in 1868.
Blue Flower braided porcelain, Saucer for coffee cup no 8040, 13.5 cm, Factory first, Royal Copenhagen, RC
..Excellent condition.
The Blue Flower braid started to be produced in 1868.
Blue Flower braided porcelain, Saucer for coffee cup no 8041, 14.5 cm, Factory first, Royal Copenhagen, RC
..Excellent condition.
The Blue Flower braid started to be produced in 1868.
Blue Flower braided porcelain, Saucer for coffee cup no 8261+8194, 14.5 cm, Factory first, Royal Copenhagen, RC
..Factory third but nice condition.
The Blue Flower braid started to be produced in 1868.
Blue Flower braided porcelain, Saucer for coffee cup no 8261+8194, 14.5 cm, Royal Copenhagen, RC
..Factory second and nice condition.
The Blue Flower braid started to be produced in 1868.
Blue Flower braided porcelain, Saucer for coffee cup no 8261+8194, 14.5 cm, Royal Copenhagen, RC
..Excellent condition.
The Blue Flower braid started to be produced in 1868.
Blue Flower braided porcelain, Saucer for cup no 8193, 14 cm, Factory first, Royal Copenhagen, RC
..Excellent condition.
The Blue Flower braid started to be produced in 1868.
Blue Flower braided porcelain, Sugar shaker no 8222, 18 cm, Factory first, Royal Copenhagen, RC
..Staff sorting and fine condition.
The Blue Flower braid started to be produced in 1868.
Blue Flower braided porcelain, Teapot no 8244, 16x25x13 cm, Royal Copenhagen
..Factory second but fine condition.
Opening for lid measures 8.5x4.7 cm and 8.4x4.4 cm.
The Blue Flower braid started to be produced in 1868.
Blue Flower braided porcelain, Teapot without lid no 8117, 10x23x9 cm, Royal Copenhagen
..Excellent condition.
Soup tureen.
The Blue Flower braid started to be produced in 1868.
Blue Flower braided porcelain, Tureen big no 8134, 23x33x23 cm, Factory first, Royal Copenhagen, RC
..Factory second but fine condition.
Fits Terrin No. 8111.
Produced 1889-1922.
The Blue Flower braid started to be produced in 1868.
Blue Flower braided porcelain, Under Dish no 8114, 34.5x30.5 cm, Royal Copenhagen, RC
..Excellent condition.
The Blue Flower braid started to be produced in 1868.
Blue Flower braided, Vase no 8253, 7x6 cm, Factory first, Royal Copenhagen, RC
..Factory third but fine condition.
The Blue Flower braid started to be produced in 1868.
Blue Flower braided porcelain, Vase no 8259, 16 cm, Royal Copenhagen, RC
..Excellent condition.
For butter / sushi or something else.
The Blue Flower braid started to be produced in 1868.
Blue Flower braided porcelain, Vase nr 8254, 9.8x8 cm, Factory second, Royal Copenhagen, RC